Friday, April 25, 2008

Summer schedule and scoliosis surgery

It's been a while since my last blog. I've been sooooo busy. I finished my in-station volunteer fire department training. I had my test last night and passed. For the last three weeks it has been a busy schedule of fire department station level classes Tues. & Thurs. nights. In between those two nights I've had my ECG recognition class on Wednesdays. Not to mention the monthly fire department meeting on one of those Mondays. 4 kids, helping with homework, son's soccer (practices and games),daughter's clarinet lessons,etc,etc,etc. I'm probably preaching to the choir here, 'cuz I know we all seem to have busy, hectic schedules these days.

The only thing I still need before I can start ride-alongs is the results of my physical back. And to be honest, I'm worried about my vision. I passed everything else including the stress test, pulmonary function test, etc. but I did horrible on the vision. My vision corrected with glasses is perfect, 20/20, but without glasses not so good. Apparently there is an uncorrected vision minimum. I'm not sure what it is, I tried finding it online but to no avail. I can understand a minimum for fire fighting because you need to wear a mask with a SCBA (self-contained breathing apparatus) and you can't get a tight seal with glasses. Not sure if contacts (which I don't wear) would be acceptable. However, I'm doing EMT-only. I always wear my glasses and I was planning on carrying a spare pair for a backup when I ride. I will be so upset if I fail the vision and get rejected from volunteering!!!!!!!!!

I've put so much time into this - 75+ volunteer hours since March. The EMT course I took will directly pertain to working in the ED so it wasn't a waste, but still I really want to volunteer as an EMT. I guess I will just wait and see. I probably will find out in another week and 1/2.


Anyway, getting back to schedules...It's been a little nutty lately. Thank God for my husband who's very understanding and supportive. I couldn't do it without him. I've decided not to take the summer class, Abnormal Pathophysiology, that I was thinking about taking. It would be an awesome class and you'd get to work with cadavers, but I'm also taking an RN refresher class this summer starting in early June. I also just found out my daughter will need surgery in mid-June for scoliosis. It's a rough surgery. I wish she didn't have to go through it, but there's really no other choice. Her curve has gotten progressively worse and the bracing is not working at all. So she will be getting the surgery. Fortunately the surgery is easier than it used to be. They've come a long way.


I'm still hoping to return to nursing this fall when our youngest son goes to Kindergarten. It looks like I will need to do nights when I return because his school/county has decided not to switch to full-day kindergarten like they had originally planned. This means he will be getting out of school 10:40 am on Mondays and 12:45 pm the rest of the week. Which means I will most likely need to work nights. I was thinking about working 12 hr days and then switching to nights during the summers (to be home with the kids while they're out of school). Looks like I will need to do nights from the start.


One more week of ECG class left and then the final. I need to go read a few more chapters and review for the final. I'm having a hard time getting motivated. I'd rather read the latest edition of Change of Shift. Check it out over at Nurse Sean's place. Here's the link:

I'm looking forward to reading it myself. Now, if I can just find the time.......


Unknown said...


WOW you are doing a lot and wanted to write in and encourage you and tell you, you are doing a great job. I know what it can be like to hear someone say that and recognise the fact you are doing a lot - behaving like superwoman :)

I had my scoliosis surgery in 1989 and now have a harrington rod from T5 to L1 - good luck with everything, you seem a strong person so you will be just fine :)

All the best

Anonymous said...

Hey thanks for the encouragement. And thanks for your great website!

I just spent quite a while looking at all your resources. BTW, I plan to use those sample questions when I next talk to my daughter's doctor. Alot of those I didn't think to ask.

My daughter will be having a tour of the surgical unit and unit where she will be recovering. I think it will help her being able to see it and ask questions of the staff. Here in the U.S. patients usually go home in three days.

Thanks again.

Rafe said...

Goodness, there is a lot of worthwhile info above!
check this site